Tag Archives: New York with toddlers

Big Apple Babies

1 Jul

We decided to take the girls to New York for a long weekend, because nothing says vacation like trudging through Manhattan with an enormous double stroller. Although, to be honest, the trip was surprisingly relaxing and fun. We set off from Chicago where the girls befriended a kind woman named Gayle. Why, you ask, am I mentioning the woman we met at the airport in Chicago? Well, because two days later we randomly (hate that word, still using it) bumped into her at Grand Central Station where we were stopping off to use the bathroom. Strange synchronicity? Indeed. Either that or she was following us and we caught her in the act. I love odd coincidences like that. I made two of my best friends in college after bumping into them in Wenceslas Square in Prague. I was just sitting there, putting film in my camera (I’m old, I know), I looked up and I saw Claire and Diana from Northwestern. As much as I’m sure you are dying to hear more about that, let me get back to our New York adventure…

We were visiting our close friends who live on the Upper East Side. Although, one of our friends is a neurology resident, so to be clear, she lives in NY Presbyterian Hospital (with Dr. Oz!). We saw her for about 2 hours because she was on call for most of our trip, but they were an action filled 2 hours, wherein we took Bea and Hazel to the padded playroom in her building and I regaled her with exciting stories of the SAHM variety. 

The rest of our trip was spent:

a) In the sandbox at the playground near our apartment

b) At Central Park

c) Walking and walking and walking with the hope that the girls would fall sleep (they didn’t).

Clearly, we are of an adventurous spirit. We also fit in the Museum of Natural History and St. Patrick’s Cathedral. Keeping things low-key was the best way to do the city with two little ones, though. We avoided the subway and just walked everywhere. We took one cab ride, which Bea later told us was the highlight of her trip. Like, I said, we are thrill seekers.

Now, onto the pictures!

Post Mass at St. Patrick’s. Hazel screamed, I was sweating like a madwoman and the entire cathedral was covered in scaffolding. We did see Timothy Cardinal Dolan though, so all was well.


Instructing or friend, E, in the fine art of making stick ‘houses.’ They did this non-stop for two days.


