7 Quick Takes – Better Late Than Never

13 Jul

Joining the lovely Ms. Fulwiler at Conversion Diary.

1. Today was my sous chef’s second birthday!  Happy Birthday to my little one.  Birthday festivities began at around 1:30 am, when my little one woke up screaming.  I attempted to console her by bringing her into my bed, where she whimpered for awhile and then threw up on me.  The rest of the night went something like this:

Immediately after throwing up, sous chef declares “Bea wants food, Mommy.”

Mommy ignores pleas for food and sends Daddy to forage for water instead.

Daddy returns and promptly falls into a deep slumber.

Sous chef tells Daddy to “stop making faces!”, even though it’s dark and he’s sleeping.

Sous chef exclaims over and over that she is “sleeping in Mommy’s bed!”  She is clearly thrilled with this development even though there is NO SLEEPING happening in Mommy’s bed.

This went on for about two hours until it was clear that the puking was a mere anomaly and not the beginning of a stomach virus apocalypse, so our sous chef was deposited back into her own bed/cage.  Needless to say, she did not appreciate this change of venue.

2. After the late night party, my sous chef was a tad on the grumpy side this morning.


So what if it’s my birthday!

I was on the brink of throwing in the towel on this whole birthday thing and pretending that tomorrow was her birthday when Nani arrived bearing gifts.


And all was right in the world again.

3.  Tomorrow there will be more celebrating with both a trip to the zoo to see the world’s smallest, least ferocious tiger, and a dinner with Papa and Nani.   There may also be a carousel ride with Daddy, if he’s lucky.

4.  During nap time tomorrow, I will be running off to the hair salon, because it’s been about two years since I last had my hair done (or so it seems).  I’m sure my hairdresser will not think me rude when I snore loudly in her chair while she’s fixing my roots.

5. My due date was officially moved forward by a week!  I’m quite excited about this, however, after going two weeks past my due date with my sous chef, I know this likely means nothing.  I will say that progress is being made and the contractions, while still irregular, are happening.  So watch this space!

6.  My computer pooped out a few days ago and is currently in the hands of some thirteen-year-old boys who work for Best Buy.  Meanwhile, I’m using our old laptop which has not had a software update in over two years.  Obviously this means it’s practically geriatric and nothing on the internet works.  So, not only is blogging difficult, but I am woefully bereft of both The Bachelorette and Master Chef.  Wahhh.  Now I am forced to move into a cave so that I do not accidentally see who Emily picks.  Friends, this is a true tragedy.

7. My wonderful friend Abbie came to visit with her husband last weekend and I had a great time.  I love that they live within driving distance now.  Abbie and I share a passion for dips of any kind.  It’s a solid foundation on which to build a friendship and it’s definitely working for us. Here we are bonding over our love of Ranch dip and Ruffles Potato Chips. Yum.



9 Responses to “7 Quick Takes – Better Late Than Never”

  1. Cheryll Tate July 14, 2012 at 6:11 am #

    The monkey did it. The monkey put that smile back on her face.

  2. Erika July 14, 2012 at 7:33 am #

    You look BEAUTIFUL, Michelle!
    Also under the “grumpy Bea” picture I started singing, “It’s my party and I’ll cry if I want to!”

    • sunandmoonandstars July 14, 2012 at 6:40 pm #

      Thanks Eri!! She did do a little crying at her party, mostly because her Daddy and I refused to let her eat an entire bottle of ketchup. We’re so mean.

  3. Aura July 14, 2012 at 3:02 pm #

    I’m looking at your blog with Pymma, She loves looking at pictures of Bea. Can’t wait for them to meet one day. I’m with you on due dates don’t mean a thing, but that “any day now” feeling is so exciting.

    • sunandmoonandstars July 14, 2012 at 6:42 pm #

      Oh my goodness, I love that Pymma likes the Bea pics!! She needs her own blog too, or just send me more pics of her! I can’t wait to meet her and kiss her chubby little cheeks!

  4. Abbie July 15, 2012 at 4:56 am #

    Umm, Michelle, how did we spend the entire weekend together and not discover that we’re both watching The Bachelorette?! I am Team Arie, all the way. Luckily this week is one of those “Men Tell All” specials so you’ve got another week before you need to move into a cave. So get that computer fixed!
    P.S. I love you and love that we are within driving distance, too 🙂

    • sunandmoonandstars July 15, 2012 at 5:32 am #

      This is a mystery! Let’s just say it’s because in person we only discuss more highbrow topics such as, ummm, potato chips. I’m kind of team no one at the moment. Her and Jef are destined to fail because they have not discussed the big, Mormon elephant in the room. And Arie may be a bit too European for the southern belle. But with any luck she will land a nice gig hosting E news or something, which sort of seems like the point anyway.


  1. A Detour « Sun & Moon & Stars - January 22, 2013

    […] spent the past weekend in Ohio visiting friends, checking out the Columbus Zoo and pinching the cheeks of my littlest baby. It was a wonderful time […]

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